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Where Does Water Go After Drinking?

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle - Updated September 21, 2021
Man cannot survive without water because it is a source of life. Although the body can last three weeks without water or food, it can't last a week without food. Water is one of the seven essential nutrients of the human body, even though it does not provide heat. Water is also one of the most in-demand nutrients.
Water makes up more than half of the human body weight. Younger people have a higher proportion of water in the body. The water proportion in children about one year old is 86%, while the water proportion in adults aged between 20 and 35 is about 65%. Also, adults between 60 and 80 years have a water proportion of about 50%.

Water's Journey Through The Human Body

Although the body can only absorb digested food, it absorbs water directly. The body absorbs and uses water once it enters the digestive tract. Water's journey through the body starts from the mouth. After ingesting water, cooperation occurs, and the mouth records the quantity of water it takes. Afterward, the water passes through the esophagus, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream.
The next stage is the stomach. In the stomach, water absorption depends on the state of eating. When a body is fasting, it absorbs water quickly. After the stomach is the small intestine. The small intestine is responsible for absorbing water into the blood and cell membranes. Water flows through the cells in the body to provide enough water for the proper functioning of the organs.
The next stage is the large intestine. This stage is essential in water reabsorption, water and electrolytes absorption, feces concentration, and prevention of water and electrolytes entering the bloodstream via the lymphatic fluid. Next are the kidneys. The kidneys are essential in hydrodynamics; they can only filter out toxins effectively after obtaining a large amount of water. If the kidneys do not absorb enough water, they do not function effectively, affecting their health. For instance, when the body organs have enough water, it excretes kidney stones and other kidney-related diseases to restore standard efficiency. Also, the body excretes excess water.
Water leaves the body through four major ways: feces, skin, kidneys (from the large intestine in form of urine), and through sweat, especially in summer from the mouth and nose as a form of gas, especially in winter.

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Water?

Water relieves your thirst before entering your bloodstream

The brain detects that cells are shrinking when the body runs out of water, informing people and making them feel thirsty. After drinking water, the cells are not fully hydrated, but the body ceases to be thirsty. This is because the brain reflexes inform the brain that the taste buds and intestines have taken enough water.

Water activates the kidneys detoxification function

The kidney is a major detoxifying organ in the body, requiring water to maintain normal function and eliminate toxins. Insufficient water in the body reduces the kidney's function in filtering blood and may cause kidney stones and other kidney-related diseases. The kidneys use a temporary strategy of concentrating urine to save moisture; the urine turns dark yellow. However, in the long run, this strategy can damage the kidney's function. Generally, two liters daily is enough to meet people's water requirements. However, drinking 3 liters of water daily can prevent more stones from forming if you have kidney stones.

Water promotes the brain to maintain normal cognitive function

The brain's function and operation require water. When there is water scarcity, it impairs people's learning and memory ability. It also impairs visual-motor ability and also causes irritability when the mental state is out of control.
human body and water

Where Does Water Go?

The body quickly absorbs and transports water after drinking to the desired area. The organs in the human body have different moisture content. The lymph has a water content of 94%, while the joints have a moisture content of about 83%. Also, the kidney's moisture content is 83%, while the brain has 75%. The muscles, skin, and bones also have a moisture content of 75%, 62%, and 22%, respectively. However, fat is free of moisture.

What Is The Healthy Way to Drink Water?

Drink enough water to meet the body's daily requirement

Everybody's daily water demand is different; the daily demand is dependent on age, muscle content, diet, temperature, physical labor, exercise, and other factors. Some people may require one liter of water, while others may require 3 liters of water. The human body needs more water when there is a high environmental temperature, heavy physical labor, or intense sweating from exercise. You can judge if your body is short of water through the color and smell of your urine. Pale yellow urine indicates sufficient water; yellow or dark yellow urine indicates that the body needs to rehydrate.

The best water for the body

After understanding water's journey through the body and the importance of water to human's physical and mental wellbeing, it is necessary to find ways to obtain the best water. Water filters are the easiest ways to get water free of dangerous toxins and contaminants for pure, healthy water.


The kidneys require water to function effectively. The color and smell of urine let you know if you need to take more water. The best water for you should be filtered and free of contaminants.




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